Dave Lublin, Vade and Bangnoise – The Big Interview
You have heard about Syphon and Hap. You might even be using them. But do you know the people behind these technologies and the other great things they do?
You have heard about Syphon and Hap. You might even be using them. But do you know the people behind these technologies and the other great things they do?
It took 10 years for me to get to the Mapping Festival in Geneva. I wish I would have gone sooner but being there for the 10th anniversary was great. People who has been coming for years said that this year was one of the best in the festival history.
Come and bet a few bucks on VIDIOT’S VIDEO SLOT MACHINE on Saturday at Vinterträdgården. All revenue goes to Musikhjälpen (The Music Help).
Norberg Festival is in need of a VJ co-ordinator. This person will schedule the VJs and keep the contact between the VJs, the booking people and the tech staff.
I’ve heard rumors about yet another HDMI/DVI mixer in the making. This one is called “Mixxeo” and is coming from the Milkymist community. I tracked down Sébastien Bourdeauducq, the founder of the Mixxeo project, and asked him a few questions.
Our April fools joke passed by under the radar once again. In this post we’re talking about our April Fool’s joke as well as others from the VJ and A/V community.
Eight bit power duo Goto80 and Raquel Meyers just announced that they are releasing an audio-visual album with goat versions of some of Goto80’s most popular tunes. Each track will have visuals performed by Raquel Meyers in various eight bit styles. The album is simply titled “GOATO80” and is sold on iTunes starting today.
I couldn’t have imagined a better start of the year when it comes to software and hardware. So many good things has been announced and released already. Let’s have a look at some stuff that relates to us visualists.
I’ve been emailing with a guy called Emmanuel Pidré. Not only is he making beautiful art himself, he is also promoting digital arts events in Berlin through a collective called Mindpirates. The next one is called Silo Sessions III and features the audiovisual artist Peter Kirn, by many of us known as the author of Create […]
Mind the Volcano is a text-based TV-performance by Goto80 and Raquel Meyers with a typewriter logic. All the visuals consist of text characters, based on words and images from books. The music is composed live in a text-based software, shown as a part of the visual story. Words, images and music work closely together. Many […]