Mobile collaborative live video

December 09, 2008 | Posted by The MIDI Thief | 1 Comment
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Last spring me and Hinke Berggren did a VJ demo and discussion at the Interactive Institute in connection to the kick start of Arvid Engström’s project “Mobile Collaborative Live Video Production”. Dejakru has also been involved when Arvid later did interviews with VJs regarding how we work in live situations.

The first reports are now available for download. In the big main report, Engström investigates how VJs work, how teenagers use their cellphone cameras and how to build an application that will let you mix live video from cellphones in a VJ fashion. The application goes under the name “SwarmCam” (an earlier name was “WeJ”). After a pause in the project they are now back up and running and we are hoping to see some samples this spring.

For you theory heads out there the report is up for download in pdf-format from this link.

You can find more reports from Arvid Engström here.

One Response to Mobile collaborative live video

  1. Pingback: SwarmCam | Swedish VJ Union
