More on the *Spark + dFuse mixer
All work and no play makes Mikey a dull boy. I’ve been busy with work and not been able to post for a while. Got some half finished articles just waiting to make their way on to the blog. But some news just magically produce themselves. Like this one: The *Spark Defuser mixer by Toby Harris is one step closer to getting into production. And you can help by showing your interest so that Toby can esitmate the price better and get to the next step. Read all about it here!
To be a little bit more objective about it than in my last post: This is not an entirely new subject and it has been talked about before. That’s why some VJs wern’t too excited when they heared of Toby’s project. Read more about it in this recent thread and this old thread on VJ Forums.
But still, considering the decent price and all the features I say I’d probably buy the mixer.