Nils Berg Cinemascope

February 03, 2010 | Posted by The MIDI Thief | Comments Off on Nils Berg Cinemascope
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I was going to see this spectacle live at the Gothenburg Film Festival but spaced out (or time traveled as I call it) after having two beers(!) and missed it. Must be the age… Anyhow, the concept was so awesome that I went straight home to google it. Nils Berg Cinemascope is a band that plays along with their favorite Youtube clips of people playing instruments. “This is the smallest band with the biggest opportunities”, as they describe themselves on their home page. The band consists of Nils Berg (woodwinds/electronics), Josef Kallerdahl (bass), Christopher Cantillo (drums). And I’m supposed to give photographer Miki Anagrius credit for the still image.

I noticed that nobody is credited for mixing (or cueing) the videos. What’s up with that? It’s a pretty essential part of the performance. And maybe that part could be done a little bit better. But even if so, it’s a bit charming that they project on a bed sheet and that they probably are using a very simple (and unexact) way of trigging the video clips.

[Edit:] Nils Berg Cinemascope has now joined the Swedish VJ Union. It’s fun to get an audiovisual act that also is more a than v. Here is their profile page.

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