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(Mikael Prey)
Base: stockholm


fields of activity: art-/music video, 3D ,virtual set design/production, club visuals, video backdrops for bands, dance performances and events studies:                                                                                                                                                                                              post graduate studies at royal institute of arts, stockholm in 1998-2003 started vj:ing: around 1994 gigs include: roskilde, eurorock-belgium, ministry of sound, cream, wave gotik treffen-germany, par club-st.Petersburg a.o. done visuals for: sven väth, ferry corsten, josh wink, geoff gaines, sergey sanchez, desyn masiello, marco v, john "00" fleming, chromeo, axwell, stonebridge, adam beyer, andreas tilliander, håkan lidbo, parham shafti, mad mats, jean louis huhta, krister linder, bruce leenus a.o. style:                                                                                                                                                                                                              own graphics and video mixed with recycled /treated scratch material. colorful layers of surreal, subliminal and contrasting content recent gigs:                                                                                                                                                                                       5/9 agnes @ fotografiska 4/8 agnes @ stockholm pride