April Fool’s aftermath
Our April fools joke passed by under the radar once again. In this post we’re talking about our April Fool’s joke as well as others from the VJ and A/V community.
Our April fools joke passed by under the radar once again. In this post we’re talking about our April Fool’s joke as well as others from the VJ and A/V community.
Eight bit power duo Goto80 and Raquel Meyers just announced that they are releasing an audio-visual album with goat versions of some of Goto80’s most popular tunes. Each track will have visuals performed by Raquel Meyers in various eight bit styles. The album is simply titled “GOATO80” and is sold on iTunes starting today.
We Swedes tend to drop all work and go nuts in july before the darkness and the cold returns. As a good member of the Swedish society, so will I. Usually not much happens here VJ wise in july but since LED screens has become more popular at outdoors events, the technology to do visuals in the Swedish midnight sun is there.
I’ve been promising a new version of the web site for quite some time. I decided to spend a couple of days making the finishing touches. Please contact us through the contact page if you find anything that seems wrong or broken.
We thought the Vidiots didn’t care about marketing, but after six years the Vidiots finally puts their one page site featuring a single animated gif to rest in favor of a new high striving black concept site. We get to see a whole retrospect of Vidiots videos from the early days to the mappings and the installations of the later days.
I don’t know if there is a better way to express this than with singing cats in this VJ-esque video.
After Vision’R 2011 success, focused on nomadic hybridations and local minorities cultures international resistances, for 2012 up to you to express your singularities and alterities, reactive or not to the geo-strategic actual contexts. Resistances and relative autonomies are both singularization sources. Next Vision’R will take place around month of May 2012, with Paris days at […]
As ElectricKingDan pointed out earlier this week, it’s about time to apply for the 2012 edition of the Mapping Festival. This is what you need to know: Your imagination is full of audiovisual projects? You have performances, installations, workshops or other audiovisual multidisciplinary projects to discover? Submit your project to the Mapping Festival! As every […]
CoGe v 1.0 (OSX) has been released and is no longer free. The creator made the decision to go commercial to be able to keep the project going. The software costs only $99 and is right on sale for $79 which is good bang for the buck.
Garagecube has announced a bunch of minor updates and releases: Modul8 2.8.3, a new printed manual for Modul8, an on-line Modul8 module manual, Mad Mapper 1.0.3 and MadLabs, a series of small apps for MadMapper.