Please tell us about your favorite MadMapper tutorials in the comments!
Home: Official home page |
Blog: The MadMapper blog |
Platform: OSX |
About: Video mapping software that could be used stand alone or toghter with other VJ softwares that supports Syphon. |
The official MadMapper tutoraials
Zeal – Stop Motion Projection Mapping with VDMX and Mad Mapper
Miguel V. Espada – Using MadMapper with OpenCV for interactive mappings
John Vaughan: Making of THE DROP BOX 1.0 (Modul8 + Mad Mapper)
Audiovisual Academy
Mr. Lupin: Video Mapping with MadMapper Part 1
In the first video on working with MadMapper software, a famous French VJ and designer Mr. Lupin (Gaël Abegg-Gauthey) will introduce us the user interface of this program, will show how to use Syphon as a video source and demonstrate basic tools and techniques for content creation for projection mapping in MadMapper. He will also show how to use DSLR camera to scan object for the following projection onto it and how to process results of the scan.
Mr. Lupin: Video Mapping with MadMapper Part 2
In the second video on working with MadMapper software, we’ll map our dummy with animated and static figures streamed from Modul8 via Syphon. Next we’ll take a look at some interesting applications from the MadTools arsenal – such as MAD_LINE, that is used for creating different lines and their animation, MAD_DOUBLER – for combining several Syphon sources, MAD_GRIDMAKER – for creating a grid from squares with animation, MAD_KINECTMASKER – for work with the Microsoft Kinect camera.
The final result will be a projection on a dancing man in which real-time object tracking Kinect technology in conjunction with the use of custom mask created in MAD_KINECTMASKER will be employed.