New mapping module for Modul8

September 12, 2010 | Posted by The MIDI Thief | 2 Comments
Posted in Announcement TAGS:

The French Iduun collective has finally released their eagerly awaited mapping module “MapMapMap” for Modul8. This module helps you with the perspective transformation, rotation of placements of layers as well as other useful functionality. Have a look at the documentation:

As a module maker myself, I must say that the Iduun collective makes some of the most interesting modules and they use techniques you don’t really know are possible to achieve within Modul8. If you’re in to Modul8, Python and module making be sure to look and learn from their code.

2 Responses to New mapping module for Modul8

  1. bart says:

    Thanks 🙂

  2. Pingback: MapMapMap est lĂ … | blog du studio gĂĽhmes
