April Fool’s aftermath

April 06, 2013 | Posted by The MIDI Thief | Comments Off on April Fool’s aftermath
Posted in Announcement

Our April fools joke passed by under the radar once again. We tired convincing the community that the eight bit power duo GOTO80 & Raquel Meyers were releasing an a/v album with goat version of GOTO80 latest tunes. Naturally the album was named GOATO80 – Read the full story here. The joke was not co-ordinated with GOTO80 and Raquel Meyers but they caught on pretty fast and started to retweet and reblog the news. The joke was probably too much in line with something that the duo actually could  do. My apologies to both artists for making such a poor mock version of their work. Anyone familiar with what they do know the quality of their work.

Raquel performs, lectures and hold workshops in 8-bit art. And here’s a recent video by GOTO80 showing how he makes an 8-bit music track.

The full story here.

The next chance to catch GOTO80 & Raquel Meyers is next week at Art Hack Day. They will be showing a Text-TV project. Here’s the Facebook event.

Other April fool’s jokes from the VJ Community

The Vidiots tried to revive Swedish VJ Union’s April fool’s joke from last year which was made at their expense. On April 1st they claimed that this year they would actually launch a new web site.

A ThousandErrors claimed that they had been hired to perform at a club in a Venezuelan prison.

Resoulme launched a new MIDI controller with video buttons.

Peter Kirn of CDM had other thoughts on April Fool’s day:

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